Whooo wants a little lore thread about the @trekonlinegame ships that appeared in #StarTrekPicard?
The Reliant-class starship is the result of a Starfleet program to modernize its light cruiser inventory after the venerable Miranda class suffered catastrophic attrition in the Dominion War. The Reliant is purpose-built for logistical and fleet support roles.
The Reliant was one of the first Starship classes to fully embrace the “sixth generation” of Starfleet starship technology, featuring more automation, more versatile particle emitters and sensors, and a fast bit limited quantum slipstream burst projector.
The Ross-class exploration cruiser was co-developed along with the Sovereign-class Assault Cruiser as an optimistic counterpart to the Sovereign’s more pragmatic focus on combat performance. The Ross features state of the art diplomatic facilities for first-contact missions.
The prototype of the class, the U.S.S. Ross, featured an experimental holographic command core, EXEO, which served as the ship’s first officer and continued Starfleet’s experience with artificial life forms as crew. The Ross served with distinction in the Shackleton Expanse.
The Gagarin-class Battlecruiser brings impressive firepower to bear as a mid-sized capital ship with high maneuverability for its tonnage. Like all Starfleet ships, it’s capable of independent operations but was intended as a powerful defensive unit operating in mixed squadrons.
Inspired by excavated hulks of 23rd- Century Shepard-class cruisers recovered from the ruins of Yard 39, the Gagarin sports a variety of modular systems. Its most unique subsystem is its refracting energy shunt, integrated directly into the phased energy collimator network.
The Sutherland-class Advanced Research Vessel represents a 25th-century iteration on the Nebula class, sporting modern hull alloys, improved power systems, and a slipstream burst drive. Like its predecessor, the Sutherland can mount a variety of mission pods.
As of 2401, the Sutherland-class is the largest starship to feature Starfleet’s “sixth generation” design approach, but planners expect to expand the program in the coming decade.
As a bonus, here are a couple ship patches that I designed for the Ross and Reliant. Guess I should make one for the Sutherland and Gagarin now too…
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