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Mar 7, 2022, 7 tweets

This is Ukraine now.

Eight years of fighting over the country’s breakaway Russian-backed eastern region have morphed into a vicious war for its existence.

Kyiv is virtually encircled. Kharkiv suffers a daily pummeling from shells and missiles.


Swaths of the nation’s south have already fallen into Russian hands, as have parts of the east. A nuclear plant has been attacked; Russian shells rain on civilians, many of whom now sleep by the thousands in basements and subways.


The violence has forced a mass exodus of more than a million people to neighboring European countries. Some fled by cars & buses, & others walked miles in 30-degree weather while relatives waited at border crossings.

But, there are fewer safe places.


Russia announced a new cease-fire Monday to allow civilians to escape 4 Ukrainian cities. But, there is deep distrust.

2 previous cease-fires hardly got off the ground before Ukrainian officials said continued Russian shelling rendered them meaningless.


In the village of Markhalivka, 13 miles southwest of Kyiv, an airstrike left a rubble-filled crater and killed six people — including a 12-year-old girl.

“Never in my life did I imagine this situation, and from Russia,” her father, Igor Majayev, said.


A 500-mile drive through the country to outrun the start of the Russian blitz — from Shchastia in the disputed Donbas region to Kharkiv & back to the capital — underscores not only the challenges facing Moscow’s onslaught, but also the cost to Ukrainians.


Many others said they were determined to protect their homes.

But Julia, who gave only her first name for reasons of safety, gave a simpler reason why she and her husband were still in Makariv: “We didn’t have time.”


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