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Mar 7, 2022, 5 tweets

$FOSRICH.ja released its full-year 2021 results today. Here's a #SOTRSummary:

For the 4th quarter
-Sales ⬆️32%
-Profits 🔻60%

For the Year:

The company is still leveraged (has a good amount of debt). Total debt is 150%+ of its equity balance (excluding leases).

The company recorded another year of negative operating cashflows. This negative balance and capital expenditures were once again funded by debt.

$FOSRICH.ja had an eventful day at the office with trades ranging from 15 to 17.88. At a price of 15.90, the stock is trading at 40 times earnings. If we use 17.10 then that's 43 times earnings.


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