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This is a staff account to provide updates to our constituents in Texas' 21st District.

Mar 7, 2022, 25 tweets

This week, Republicans are again faced with the decision to fund unconstitutional COVID-19 vaccine mandates for a vaccine that DOES NOT even prevent transmission or infection of COVID.

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As we enter the third year of this nightmare, we must look at what we’ve learned by the decisions of our 'experts' so that our nation ensures that COVID tyranny NEVER happens again. We must hold them accountable.

Let's review...

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First up, they said there would be NO MANDATE. But that of course, was a lie.

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Our @CDCDirector was explicitly clear on that front.

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5.Second, wasn’t the vaccine supposed to end the COVID tyranny? Do you remember this @CDCDirector?

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Then, a few short months later, they could NOT prevent transmission.

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But, that didn’t stop the Biden Administration from announcing their OSHA mandate just a month later, medically segregating Americans and forcing them out of their jobs... for a vaccine that does not prevent the spread or infection.

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To support this narrative, the CDC literally changed what the definition of "vaccination" is. From producing "immunity" to producing "protection."

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What level of protection you may ask? The CDC is not willing to say as it withholds data on hospitalization by vaccination status because it does not want the data to be "misinterpreted." Why can't the data speak for itself @CDCDirector?

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VAERS reports also raise serious concerns about potential adverse reactions from the COVID vaxx, though the “experts” have just shrugged at the data.


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These same experts seemed to have actively suppressed information on natural immunity acquired from the virus. In Oct '20 our @CDCDirector said that "there is no evidence" for natural immunity to COVID.

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Then after years of silence on natural immunity, the CDC released a report in Jan '22 showing that natural immunity was SIX TIMES stronger than vaxx during Delta wave.

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Now, even Dems are saying what Rep. Roy and his colleagues have been saying for the past two years.

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What made them change their tune? Sadly, it was not the outright human destruction that was caused by their policies, but the polling and potential election outcome that made them change (and apparently caused Fauci to go into hiding).

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Political consultants rightfully understand that Dems will “risk paying dearly for it in November” should they continue down their path. (15/ )…

No surprise, then, the CDC changed their masking guidance overnight from most of the country masking up on Feb. 24 to mostly none of it on Feb. 25... which was incidentally right in time for Biden's State of the Union.

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And lest we forget: our “experts” said lockdowns would be temporary and that they would not do more harm than the virus itself. Most Americans now see through this lie.

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But what did the lockdowns do to our children who were are at extremely low-risk of dying or being hospitalized with COVID? With such a giant disparity, there is and was no justification for isolating or masking children. (18/ )

We isolated our teens and kids--who bear little risk. The result? Nearly DOUBLE alcohol/drug deaths to teens during 2020. These deaths are just shy of the number of ALL MINORS who died from CoV during the entire pandemic. Thanks for your work @EWoodhouse7

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Lockdowns harmed EVERYONE. We experienced the highest amount of overdose deaths EVER recorded in our nation's history.

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We saw more broken families and damaged children, rampant mental health issues, and thousands of small businesses shut down forever.

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We saw elderly people die alone and scared in hospital rooms with no loved ones by their sides. This never had to be the case. Read their stories here:

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Now we are learning our kids are having speech development problems, and children are behind in school, including the most vulnerable kids.

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All of this COVID tyranny and all of the lies have been funded by the American taxpayer to the tune of BILLIONS. This should not be.

CDC: $7.9 billion
NIAID: $6 billion
FDA: $3.2 billion
WHO: $200 million
Fauci's salary: $400K+

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There’s already been enough destruction and enough tyranny in the supposed name of “public health”

It’s time to end the madness and #DefundVaxMandates once and for all. Republicans have another chance this week …


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