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🧑‍🎤 Full time freelancer a full stack web developer & software engineer from India . collaboration open DM 🗨️

Mar 8, 2022, 13 tweets

⬒ 10 Useful Vscode Extensions

A Thread 🧵↓

➀ Error Lens
⇥ It is Basically on amazing extension in visual code that shows you all the error and warnings in realtime when you working on a file or you open a new project

➁ Auto Rename Tag
⇥ This is another useful extension, It help you to rename the paired HTML/XML tags automatically.

➂ Git Lens
⇥ As the name suggests, this extension supercharges the git capabilities built into vscode, it let's you glimpse into whom, why and when a line or code block was changed.

➃ Live Sass Compiler
⇥ This one helps you when you work sass, it compiles Sass or Sess to Css at realtime with live browser reload .

➄ Live Share
⇥ It happens many time when you working in a team or want to code with your any friend, live share extension enables real-time collaboration between developers. it gives users the ability to share a session with someone else,

allowing them to edit code as well as share a sever and debugging session

➅ Prettier
⇥ Another most used extension, i guess i don't have to explain about this extension, but still those who don't know about this extension, it basically is an code formatter.

➆ css-auto-prefix
⇥ We know how prefixing some css properties are very important, the goal of this tool eliminate the time it takes to prefix all of your css attributes by doing it for you as you type.

➇ Live Server
⇥ i use this extension all the time whenever i am working with html, css related projects. this extension makes your existing server live and also helps you to live reload feature for dynamic content.

➈ Bracket pair colorizer
⇥ This extension allows matching brackets to be identified with colours, helps a lot when there are so many nested brackets.

➉ ES7 - Snippets
⇥ A must have extensionfor front-end devs, this exension provides you javascript and react/redux snippets in es7 with babel plugin features for vs code.

Hi🖐️ if you are interested in 🧵↓
⇥ Html
⇥ Python
⇥ JavaScript
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