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#EGI Covert lifelong gender inversion: A secretive gaslighting practice which creates a hidden world, a secret caste system. EVERYONE famous + many who aren't.

Mar 8, 2022, 16 tweets

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
King Abdullah II of Jordan. Vs Jacinda Ardern, STAIRS.

Try this at home. #csi #forensics
Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait: Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Vs *Angela Merkel, Former Chancellor of Germany , STAIRS.

*Body filler ops can't hide that straight male stride ability on AM.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain. Vs María Begoña Gómez Fernández, STAIRS.

(Same ppl - two different occasions)

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
The handsome Enrique Peña Nieto, Former President of Mexico Vs Baroness Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom  STAIRS.

It's all in the knees.

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Collusion? Bad Faith ? A mission from God ? Which ever way you look at it....these pair are male.

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland Vs Theresa May MP of the United Kingdom


It's all in the knees for these odd boys - Straight legs.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait: Boris Johnson Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, STAIRS

See the distinctive angle of the female pelvis ?

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge Vs Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, STAIRS.

Can you see it yet ? The angles are sharpe on the female - William.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Queen Elizabeth II Vs Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, STAIRS.

Shape-shifting indeed, but no reptiles in sight. Just trannies.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Queen Elizabeth II Vs Joe Biden
46th U.S. President, STAIRS.

A young Lizzy keeping it simple compared to one of the silicone Joe's complex female knee maneuvers.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Elvis Presley, American singer Vs Diana, Princess of Wales, STAIRS.

See the pattern ? Diana keeps his knees together, Elvis can't.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
Vs Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Ocheretnaya, former 'wife'.


See the pattern ? Vlads knees going full Elvis again. Should be the opposite.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Chinese President Xi Jinping Vs Madame Peng arrive in Hobart ... STAIRS.

See the pattern ? Those knees give the game away with the sneaky elite.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Prince Andrew, Duke of York

Do you really think the sex enquiry will show her as she really is ? The knees are how females need to decend stairs.

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Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Manchester United players with Paul Pogba Vs Marilyn Monroe, American actress, STAIRS.

Premier league may not have been what you thought. Girls have to open their knees to decend stairs.

Try this at home. #csi #forensics
Illuminati enough for you ?

Reversed Male/Female Gait:
Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia Vs Theresa May, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom STAIRS.

Gentle-men throughout history same same but different. Knees open - female.

Try this at home. #csi #forensics
Illuminati enough for you ?

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