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Mar 8, 2022, 10 tweets

Switching up your routine when feeling stagnant and uninspired is always a good thing — your March 6 weekly horoscope might just push you to make a change. Here’s your weekly horoscope, according to your zodiac sign and rising sign: (1/10)…

The term "expect the unexpected" is a little overrated, but it very much speaks to the vibe of Mars and Venus in Aquarius. Spontaneous and unconventional, this electric synergy can be as inspiring as it is eccentric. (2/10)

Aries, feel free to tap into your humanitarian spirit. However, things might feel heavy, so don't hold yourself back from having a good cry. (3/10)

Take the leap, Gemini. Whether you're held up on an outdated belief system or a repressed fear you can't seem to shake off, you have to get out of your own head for this to work. Venture out and explore something new. (4/10)

Spice things up, Cancer. It's a good time to work on that fantasy-fiction book or start planning your island-paradise vacay while you're feeling inspired. (5/10)

Leo, your powers of seduction skyrocket under this week's astro-weather, so if you're not looking for anything serious . . . don't make eye contact. OK, that's a joke, but do focus on genuine connections as opposed to superficial flings. (6/10)

Put your sparkle on display, Libra. You’re sure that person is just a crush? Do your best to draw the line between friends and lovers so no one gets hurt — your urge for freedom is undeniable. (7/10)

You're finally out of the woods, Capricorn. Brainstorming your next business venture? You could be collaborating with eclectic partners or looking to invest in something out of the ordinary. (8/10)

Are you ready to make your grand entrance, Aquarius? It's not every day that both Mars and Venus dance through your sign simultaneously — this week kicks off with this dazzling duo bringing abundance and inspiration to your personal and professional life. (9/10)

Read your complete horoscope here 💙: (10/10)…

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