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Mar 8, 2022, 6 tweets

This video, posted by several users on Twitter today, gives yet another clue as to where Russian forces are operating.

It shows a number of military vehicles moving at speed through a village to the north east of Kyiv

Sky News located it to here, 50.6295179, 30.905656, on Bohdana Khmelnytskoho St, about 25 miles from central Kyiv.

Live updates on the war in Ukraine:

We can see on Google Street View the distinctive blue shopfront from the video, on the left, and the slanted-roof next to it, as well as the burgundy-framed house opposite and matching front-gate and telegraph poles

“The circle is thought to represent the Russian Mobile Reserve Army Group. It is a T72 tank - which is Russian”, General Sir Richard Barrons told Sky News

It fills in a little bit more of the puzzle about where Russian forces are today, as village by village they extend their presence.

Here is the ISW map of control in this area, the latest update from yesterday evening, with the point we’ve found marked on

Live updates on day 13 of Russia's invasion

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