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Author/activist/journalist. New novel: THE BEZZLE, a thriller Shitty Tech Adoption Curve

Mar 9, 2022, 19 tweets

Judi Dench in costume as Titania for a stage production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ 1962.…

Activities offered at the Fernwood Resort, 1950s and 60s. Today, the Fernwood property is mostly abandoned or burned down. A portion of it has been sold and is now operating as the Jinyin Buddhist Temple. Source…

Activities offered at the Fernwood Resort, 1950s and 60s. Today, the Fernwood property is mostly abandoned or burned down. A portion of it has been sold and is now operating as the Jinyin Buddhist Temple. Source…

Activities offered at the Fernwood Resort, 1950s and 60s. Today, the Fernwood property is mostly abandoned or burned down. A portion of it has been sold and is now operating as the Jinyin Buddhist Temple. Source…

Gay Girl by Joan Ellis
Midwood Books F218, 1962
Cover by Jerome Podwil…

“Be Creative Invent a Sexual Perversion” Button, 1960s.…

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