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Mar 9, 2022, 6 tweets

Ukraine has fallen into darkness since the Russians invaded.

These satellite images from NASA show Europe lit-up at night – now with a dark hole where Ukraine’s city lights once glowed…

This timelapse shows how Ukraine once shone bright – but from 25 February, the day after the invasion, those lights have gone out

In fact – you can see the lights dim overnight if you compare this image from 24 February with one on 25 February

What about if we look closer? Here's the difference around the capital Kyiv on Monday compared to a month ago

The southern coast has seen a lot of fighting - in particular around Mykolaiv (where light has almost entirely disappeared) and Kherson, which retains a very small amount of visible light at night.

Sevastopol, in Crimea which was annexed by Russia in 2014, remains lit

Across the country, only a small amount of white can be now seen, suggesting that the majority of night-time light sources have gone out.

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