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Mar 9, 2022, 7 tweets

Congratulations to @demishassabis, John Jumper, and David Baker who will be awarded the Wiley Foundation 20th annual Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences on April 1: 🧵 1/7

Demis and John accept the award on behalf of the @DeepMind team who worked on #AlphaFold, which was recognised as a solution to the “protein folding problem” at CASP14 in Nov 2020: 2/7

From the start, we committed to giving broad access to our work and, in July 2021, we published our methods in @Nature along with the open source code.

Open Source:… 3/7

A week later, we launched the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database, in partnership with @emblebi - more than doubling the number of high-accuracy human protein structures available. Over 400,000 researchers have already used it: 4/7

In October 2021 we launched AlphaFold-Multimer, which properly accounts for multi-chain proteins (complexes):… 5/7

And in January 2022 we added 27 new proteomes (190k+ proteins) to the database, 17 of which represent Neglected Tropical Diseases that continue to devastate the lives of more than 1 billion people globally: 6/7

A huge congratulations to the whole team who made this breakthrough happen! Check out our AlphaFold timeline for further info: 7/7

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