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Mar 9, 2022, 23 tweets

Today we will be taking a look at the past and expected performance of a few of our government agencies.

Here's a #SOTRSummary:
-The OUR
and a few more.

Public Bodies (PB) in Jamaica have been
established to develop strategic sectors in
Jamaica. 146 active entities is perform regulatory, advisory, supervisory, research, technical, administrative or quasi-judicial functions of a governmental nature.

Self-Financed Public Bodies have a projected total gross assets of J$1.3T employing an expected 14,296 people. The Group should realise revenues of approximately J$460B and transfer J$21B in financial distributions and programme support, as well as remit taxes of J$45B.

Transfers from the GoJ to certain PBs are projected at J$16B. The PBs have forecast capital expenditure of J$70B of which the National Housing Trust (J$38B) and the NWC (J$9B) should account for 67% of the planned expenditure.

The NHT will pursue construction of 8,622 housing starts and 5,567 housing deliveries.

The NWC's planned expenditure of should cover (among others) ongoing meter replacement and upgrades, work on Spanish Town Road project and water and sewerage upgrades in Port Royal.

Please note:
-2022 fiscal year (FY) is from April 2021 to March 2022
-2023 fiscal year (FY) is from April 2022 to March 2023
-Net Surplus is equivalent to a Net Profit and Net Deficit is equivalent to a Net Loss


-made an estimated $944M in regulatory fees in the 2022 FY, 10% ⬆️.
-has made and projects to make a net deficit for this and the next year
-most of the revenues made (~70%) are used to pay staff related costs
-has $650M+ in cash and $308M+ in retained earnings.

The Broadcasting Commission

-expects to have total income of $366M in 2022 FY.
-expenses mainly staff costs and public education related
-expects surplus of $88M this year but projects that falling to $1M next year
-has $862M in cash and over $1B in retained earnings

Human Employment and Resource Training Trust (HEART)

-expects total income of $14.7B and a surplus of $945M this year
-total income most used to fund training and personnel costs
-Personnel costs of $6.3B with a $900M increase expected next year

-Transfers to the government for the 2022 FY are expected to be $1.6B ($1.1B in dividends)
-CapEx of $824M expected. $560M over this and next year on land & buildings. $1B+ on furniture & computer equipment this and next year.
-Cash of $5.5B
-HEART Fund now has $9.8B

The National Housing Trust (NHT)

-expects total income of $32.7B for 2022FY
-expects a surplus of $15.5B
-$11.4B in net transfers to GoJ in dividends
-$90B in CapEx expected over this & next year
-$2.2B in cash
-$159B in retained earnings

The Jamaica Mortgage Bank (JMB)

-expects total income of $564M, ⬆️84% from last year
-expects a surplus of $230M, that's a net margin of 41%
-equity base of $2.6B

The National Water Commission (NWC)

-expects total income of $39.4B for the 2022 FY
-huge expected operating expenses are projected to drive the $1.9B deficit.
-Total assets north of $90B
-accumulated losses of $50B

The Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ)

-expects total revenue of $9.6B and surplus of $1B
-total assets of $76B with retained earnings of $31B

The Overseas Examinations Commission (OEC)

-expects $755M in total income and a surplus of $15M
-projects donations of $234M and $275M for this and next year, respectively
-has accumulated surplus of $2B

The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC)

-expects total income of $1.6B and a surplus of $582M
-expenses dominated by staff related costs and professional fees
-total assets of $3.3B and accumulated surplus' of $2.9B

The Financial Services Commission (FSC)

-expects total revenue of $1.6B and a surplus of $214M
-total assets of $2.9B and reserves of $2.1B.

The Jamaica Deposit Insurance Corporation (JDIC)

-expects to collect total premiums of $2B in the 2022 FY
-a low expense base is expected to lead to a surplus of $3.5B
-Total assets of $32.6B of which $31.6B is the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) most of which is invested.

The Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB)

-is projecting $5.9B of loan disbursements next year.
-expects total revenue of $3.4B and a surplus of $932M.
-largest expense is bad debt which totaled $1.6B last year.
-has total assets of $36.9B with a $31.9B strong equity base.

The National Health Fund (NHF)

-forecasts that for the 2022 FY, 623,476 individuals
should be registered while $6.9B will be spent under these programmes.
- expects $9.2B in total revenue and a $204M deficit.
-has a Trust Fund of $10.8B and almost $11B in repo assets.

The Firearm Licencing Authority (FLA)

-expects $682M of total income in the 2022 FY
-projects a 46% increase in income next year
-expects surplus of $7M this year.
-has $593M in retained earnings

Petrojam Limited

-reports that they expect the global crude market to remain fairly stable and have a projected average sale price per barrel for petroleum of US$79
-expects sales of US$1B and a net profit of US$13M
-has US$200M (~$31B) in retained earnings

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) Limited

-expects to make $1.6B in income but spend $7.4B driving a deficit of $8.1B when depreciation is considered.
-collects GoJ grant of $20.1B combined for last, this, and next year.
-expects an accumulated deficit of $17.6B next year

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