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Mar 9, 2022, 6 tweets

Taiwan's military strategists have been studying Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the country's resistance, for the island's own battle strategy in the event its giant neighbor China ever makes good on its threat to take them by force 1/6

While Taiwan's government has not reported any unusual activity by the military in China, which views the island as its own territory, Taipei has raised its alert level 2/6

Russia's use of precision missiles, as well as Ukraine's tactically well thought through resistance despite being outmanned and outgunned, are being carefully watched in security circles in Taiwan, whose own forces are likewise dwarfed by China's 3/6

'From Ukraine's performance we can be even more confident in our own.'

Ma Cheng-Kun, director of the Graduate Institute of China Military Affairs Studies at Taiwan's National Defence University, said Ukraine used the same concept with mobile weapons to stymie Russian forces 4/6

There are big differences between Taiwan and Ukraine's positions that have offered reassurance.

Taiwan's government has repeatedly pointed out, for example, the natural barrier of the Taiwan Strait which separates it from China. Ukraine has a long land border with Russia 5/6

Strategists say Taiwan can also easily detect signs of Chinese military movements and make preparations ahead of an invasion in which China would need to mobilize hundreds of thousands of soldiers and equipment like ships 6/6

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