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Mar 9, 2022, 7 tweets

this is kharkiv zoo.
russian bombs killed two kangaroos today.
and yesterday russian fire killed two staff members who tried to bring food to animals and paid with their lives for it. the zoo appeals for global solidarity to safeguard over 5,000 animals

a word from the owner: 'today i appeal to everyone who can help. the situation with keeping animals is extremely difficult. we urgently need funds to ensure the animals’ safety as well as to ensure their full nutrition'

just several days after the invasion, the zoo welcomed this kiang newborn. his first memories in this world are the sounds of russian bombs and gunfire. he doesn't have a name yet. let's make sure he lives to get it.

here's banking wire info provided by the zoo. you can use paysend.com or transfergo.com to make the transfer, or do it directly.


kharkiv zoo staff keeps evacuating animals literally under russian fire and putting their lives on the line. just yday they managed to relocate this baby lion named simba. but it is a massive zoo and many animals are still trapped
check info above how to help

russians keep shelling kharkiv zoo. two orangutans and one chimpanzee were killed in the latest attack. the zoo is a home to one of the largest primate families in europe. please help the staff to keep evacuating and supporting the animals. wire info is above

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