Conspirador Norteño Profile picture
Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion @trutherbotprop Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.

Mar 10, 2022, 7 tweets

Here's an unusual account: @BohuslavAleksan. According to this account's profile, it belongs to a journalist with the @KyivIndependent, but the Kyiv Independent's website contains no mention of "Bohuslav Aleksander" nor any articles by anyone of that name.

cc: @ZellaQuixote

Additionally, the vast majority of @BohuslavAleksan's followers are empty accounts created in March 2022. This self-proclaimed "journalist" account has almost no real followers at all.

The newly-created empty accounts following @BohuslavAleksan look very similar to a fake follower network that has repeatedly popped up following a variety of cryptocurrency/NFT accounts as well as the occasional US Congressional candidate:

Permanent ID of the the @BohuslavAleksan account is 1175226422987755520, in case the account gets renamed.

Also weird: here's a group of 8 accounts created in August 2020 (several of which claim to be from Ukraine in their profiles) trying to get people to donate money to a suspended Twitter account. (Don't do this.) Most of them have no tweets prior to the past two weeks.

Six of these eight accounts have fake followers from the same network as @BohuslavAleksan (and pretty much no real followers).

Unsurprisingly, at least some (possibly all) of the accounts in this group use stolen profile pics, which appear to be sourced from fashion blogs and Instagram feeds.

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