Bruno Levy Profile picture Inria Research Director / Computational Physics/Cosmology / Scientific Director of Program Inria Quadrant / #riscv ambassador

Mar 10, 2022, 12 tweets

What's that ?
The raw scanner data for armadillo.
Can we reconstruct the armadillo from it ?

Step 1: Filter outliers

Step 2: smooth a bit

Step 3: Co3Ne reconstruction
(Surface reconstruction by computing restricted Voronoi cells in parallel, Dobrina Boltcheva and Bruno Lévy, Computer Aided Design -

Step 4: Remesh with Voronoi Linear Parallel Enumeration

Step 5: texture atlas with ABF++ (

Step 6: bake normals from highres mesh using AABB

The normal map

Last but not least: #geogram up to date…
The built-in geobox program has all these functionalities.
Geogram, a career-long reproducible science experience !

Ooohhh, there is also this one !

Since Co3Ne uses the original points, it can reconstruct details I did not see before in the "official" reconstructions !

Try it "at home" !
#geogram / geobox can now directly load ".conf" files…

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