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Mar 11, 2022, 33 tweets

After three weeks of war Russia has failed to reach its stated objectives of disarming the Ukrainian military and ousting democratically elected government, but it has caused thousands of deaths and forced more than two million people to flee the country

The World Health Organization advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health laboratories to prevent 'any potential spills' that would spread disease among the population, the agency told Reuters

President Vladimir Putin said that sanctions imposed against Russia would rebound against the West, including in the form of higher food and energy prices, and Moscow would solve its problems and emerge stronger

Halyna and Valeriy, a Ukrainian couple in their 60s, were evacuated from their home near the Chernobyl plant where they worked as engineers when a reactor exploded in 1986, triggering the world's worst nuclear accident

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said the Ukraine situation was 'disconcerting' and that it is important to support Russia and Ukraine in ceasefire talks

Vlada von Shats is the co-owner of the Russian Samovar, a restaurant in Manhattan's theater district serving up blini, Chicken Kiev, and flights of infused vodkas. Some people, outraged over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, are taking their anger out on her restaurant

Walt Disney said it will pause all business in Russia, including content and product licensing, Disney Cruise Line activities, National Geographic magazine and tours, local content productions and linear channels

Brazil's 'Little Ukraine' prays for ancestral homeland

Ukraine and Russia: This is what you need to know right now

In pics: Ukrainians seek shelter from Russian bombs

Talks between the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers produced no apparent progress towards a ceasefire but analysts said the fact they were even meeting left a window open for ending Russia’s war against Ukraine

European Union leaders condemned the 'unspeakable suffering' Russia was inflicting on Ukraine but at a summit in France they refused Kyiv's appeal for rapid accession to the bloc and differed over the reach of sanctions against Moscow

Goldman Sachs Group and JPMorgan Chase & Co announced they were unwinding their Russian businesses, becoming the first major U.S. banks to exit following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and putting pressure on rivals to follow

Weapons of the war in Ukraine

About 222,000 people have been evacuated to Russia from Ukraine and its two Russian-backed rebel regions, the TASS news agency said

Nuclear war? Russia's Lavrov says: I don't believe so

Twitter will place labels on and limit the spread of posts from Belarus state media and their senior staff, the company said, in a move aimed to curb misinformation from Russia's ally in its invasion of Ukraine

The United Nations Security Council will convene at Russia's request, diplomats said, to discuss Moscow's claims, presented without evidence, of U.S. 'biological activities' in Ukraine, a move Washington described as gaslighting

Meta Platforms will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, according to internal emails, in a temporary change to its hate speech policy

Russian-backed separatists have captured the Ukrainian city of Volnovakha north of the besieged Azov Sea port of Mariupol, the RIA news agency quoted Russia's defence ministry

The European Union will not impose sanctions on Russian gas or oil, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said

The United States, together with the Group of Seven nations and the European Union, will move to revoke Russia's 'most favoured nation' status over its invasion of Ukraine, multiple people familiar with the situation told Reuters

The U.N. Security Council convenes at Russia's request. Watch live:…

The United Nations said it was not aware of any biological weapons program in Ukraine while Washington and its allies voiced concerns Russia was spreading the unproven claim in order to launch its own biological or chemical attacks

Meta's oversight board said context is important for content policies The statement follows reporting that the owner of Facebook is making exceptions around violent speech in the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Russia opened a criminal case against Meta after the social network changed its hate speech rules to allow users to call for 'death to the Russian invaders' in the context of the Ukraine invasion

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukraine had reached a 'strategic turning point' in the conflict with Russia, but Russian forces bombarded cities across the country and appeared to be regrouping for a possible assault on the capital Kyiv

Exclusive: Crypto firms in the United Arab Emirates are being deluged with requests to liquidate billions of dollars of virtual currency as Russians seek a safe haven for their fortunes, company executives and financial sources tell @Reuters

Watch: Pentagon briefing after the U.S. and G7 nations hit Russian trade…

Exclusive: The Pentagon is turning to a special team to respond to increased demand for new weapons sales and requests to transfer existing weapons among U.S. allies as countries including Ukraine scramble to obtain arms following Russia's invasion

The cost of Russia's invasion of Ukraine will become a lot clearer next week, with a previously unthinkable sovereign default looming, more emergency central bank measures likely and a stock market crash guaranteed if it reopens

World shares slid, pressured by uncertainty about the conflict in Ukraine and expectations the Federal Reserve will hike U.S. interest rates next week

Western intelligence agencies are investigating a cyberattack by unidentified hackers that disrupted broadband satellite internet access in Ukraine coinciding with Russia's invasion, three people with direct knowledge of the incident tell @Reuters

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