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Mar 11, 2022, 6 tweets

Deep under the streets of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine hundreds of people are sheltering from fierce Russian bombardment, occupying the Heroiv Pratsi metro station where they do what they can to get comfortable 1/6

From tiny babies to the elderly, residents sit or lie on mattresses and blankets arranged on the ground beside ticket machines, on platforms and inside nearby parked trains 2/6

Some look at mobile phones, others do laundry which is dried on handrails of the train. Mothers feed toddlers and a man hurries past with a kettle full of water 3/6

The scenes are similar on transport systems across the worst-affected areas of Ukraine, although in Kharkiv, the country's second city that has suffered some of the heaviest shelling since the invasion began, the numbers are high 4/6

Above ground, where people go and stand in line for food and supplies when it is safe enough, the snow falls on near-empty streets 5/6

Valentyna, an elderly resident of Kharkiv, said she had fled to the underground because the area where she lived was under constant attack from artillery fire and air strikes.

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