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Mech Engineer, inventor, CFA investment mgr, PhD Marine Biologist, bike fitter, triathlete, lead guitarist: Irredeemables, dad, PANDA ExCo science coord.

Mar 11, 2022, 16 tweets

An "interesting" comment from an email newsletter, emailed to thousands & written by a former hedge fund manager, speaks volumes. It is easy to write it off as lazy and thoughtless, but hear me out - I believe it reveals much. I'll start w the punchline.->

"if I could push a button and all 190k Russian soldiers who've invaded Ukraine would suddenly drop dead, I'd push it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you?" - (redacted)

Yes Russia is a bad actor, and shouldn't have attacked. But does that justify mass extermination?

This I believe reveals the mindset of those-and I am not going to specify right or left -who belong to the new church: The Church of Virtuous Virtue. ->

But how can it be virtuous to call for the instant extermination of 190k mostly conscripted teenagers? Because the church has decided it is so. Truth and reality is subjective/relative. Virtue is what the CoVV says it is.

Never mind that if there was a magic "drop dead" button it would be much more effectively employed in removing Vlad and his top commanders. Never mind that. Better to use it against evil Russian teens, and perhaps truckers, anti-vaxxers, Wal-mart shoppers - all types of unclean.

As @MaajidNawaz said in his excellent @joerogan interview (1:44:45):
"When there's no such thing as truth, you can't define reality. And when you can't define reality, the only thing that matters is power." - >…

"Because power gets to define reality. And that's why people who are in power who are seeking a specific outcome for the world want to shut debate down. Power gets to step into that void where reason no longer exists and gets to define reality for you."->

Of course we should recognize that this equally applies to the Covid response which has now morphed into the Ukraine crisis. Reality has never mattered to The Church and all debate is stifled or censored. Just like in the dark ages.

While the aforementioned elitist member of the CoVV has no direct power, they fervently support those who do along with the rest of the believers. Many live in a high-rent city, went to Ivy leagues, and constantly pontificate about bail reform, racism, etc- u know the script.

Like the rest of the believers, they believe that virtue and reality is what they (and the msm) say it is. Reality is relative in their world. They feel really sorry for that alleged drug dealer who can't pay bail, but have no qualms about offing 190k Russians.->

In the eyes of the CoVV, this is now doctrine. It is decided. In fact much of the last 2 years (and before) has been a festival for self-appointed "deciders". They (as reps of The Church) DECIDE what you should do, what is holy and good, what is best for society.

Cost/benefit analysis is for rubes. Higher order long-term effects are not their problems. Reality is messy and inconvenient. Science is just a tool to be used by The Church to further its cause and must be approved and not questioned. The Govt (if theirs) is trustworthy.

And now we come to the real problem for all of us. Who cares what some former fund manger thinks? Ahh, but he is only one member of the very large (growing?) Church. And one day, you may be on the wrong end of one of the buttons they deem push-worthy. THAT is why we must resist->

If the Church declares you unclean, look out. It will be made easier for them thru adopting Central bank digital currencies and digital passports-then they can press a button and revoke your spending power or travel. They don't have to actually do anything messy that way. Nice.

All of which is to say, we must resist any and all attempts at centralization and removal of liberties. We are not dealing with rational folks. "Emergencies" are always used to gain power by the state that is never relinquished. Why are we still under a state of emergency? Right.

Its very easy to brand this all as conspiracy theory, but how many former conspiracy theories are now proven? Every single societal takeover in modern history happened right in front of incredulous citizens who woke up too late.

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