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Mar 12, 2022, 8 tweets

Find me two opening paragraphs in any Russian state media outlet that are more brazenly propagandistic and demonstrate lower journalistic standards than this.…

Third paragraph is arguably even more egregious, because it says this without ever once mentioning Victoria Nuland's admission before the Senate that Ukraine has “biological research facilities” that the US is “quite concerned” might end up “falling into the hands” of Russians.

Alex Jonesian claims of "false flag" conspiracies made by anonymous US officials are uncritically reported by The Washington Post, while claims with identical levels of evidence by Russia are "unproven accusations" with "no verifiable evidence" and are "absurd and laughable".

Anonymous US officials making unproven claims about a false flag conspiracy = The News

Russia making unproven claims about US bioweapons in Ukraine = "outrageous claims", "utter nonsense", and "sinking to new depths".

No mention of the mountain of evidence that at least one such false flag did indeed occur in Douma in 2018. When US officials make claims of false flags it's The News, when Russia does it they're just contradicting known facts already established.…

Over and over again. Russian claims are "baseless", unevidenced claims by anonymous officials are The News.

Democracy Dies in Darkness.

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