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Mar 12, 2022, 11 tweets

[Not space] but I want to recommend Severance (AppleTV+, 2022).

If The Office is a workplace comedy, Severance is a workplace scifi survival horror lol

It's a mystery show with a really special atmosphere. If the names Stanley Parable, Aperture or Dharma ring a bell...

Severance centers around Mark Scout (Adam Scott), a leader of a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives.

This experiment in ‘work-life balance’ is called into question as Mark finds himself at the center of an unraveling mystery that will force him to confront the true nature of his work… and of himself.

The 9 episodes (5 are out) were directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle (Brave New World).

The cast is impressive: Adam Scott, Zach Cherry, Britt Lower,
Dichen Lachman, John Turturro, Christopher Walken, Patricia Arquette...

And the soundtrack by Theodore Shapiro (Idiocracy, Tropic Thunder) fits the universe perfectly.

I love the opening credits, that pretty much sums up the series:

A trailer always helps:

Cinematography by Jessica Lee Gagné is very nice, and production design by Jeremy Hindle (Zero Dark Thirty, Detroit, Top Gun: Maverick) makes me really happy lol

Where we are right now, anything is still possible. My imagination is working at full capacity. I wouldn't even be surprised if it joins space fiction one day, even if nothing proves it ;)

There are plenty of parables that everyone can decipher according to their experiences, but just the idea of having two lives separated by an elevator is dizzying.

Just imagine: you leave work, the elevator closes, and a second later, the doors open for the next working day... in the maze of an endless office.

In short, I am already delighted that a second season is already planned. Filming starts Monday!

And now AppleTV+ is the streaming service that contains the most of my favorite shows (For All Mankind, Ted Lasso, Foundation, Severance). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(it makes this show even more funny, as Apple is for me a nightmare company as the one in Severance)

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