Neil Tester Profile picture
Chair @HWHertfordshire. Former Director @RichmondGroupOC and Deputy Director @HealthwatchE. Own views. RTs = interest only. 🏳️‍🌈

Mar 12, 2022, 24 tweets

Last big #RaceAgainstHunger training walk today, b4 solo walk of full Marathon course on 2/4 for @TrussellTrust. Today doing 2nd half of course from Tower Hill, East around Docks then West to The Mall. Add on 2 miles to Baker Street and that’s 16-17 miles.…

Old meets new(ish) as I approach Westferry from Limehouse via Narrow Street. First of these training walks when I haven’t had to wear a big coat.

Do I have to walk this bit backwards?

Tempted to ask for a lift…

Ticking off another #BluePlaque on the Isle of Dogs on this #RaceAgainstHunger training walk.…

Reached the southernmost point of today’s route, near Island Gardens.

Back up to South Quay, where Dad worked from 1950-78 at the South West India Dock, mainly as a labour foreman, until it all moved out to Tilbury. I’ve still got the engraved Victorian foreman’s handbell they gave him. Oh, the stories he told…


World’s most confusing roundabout?

Wonder if Dan Brown knows about this Illuminati construction in the churchyard at St Anne’s Limehouse? If you can’t make out the inscription, it says: “The wisdom of Solomon.”

My phone says it’s 5 miles to Buckingham Palace from here, so that’s about 9 down and 5 + 2 = 7 to go.…


Glad I’m walking.

“I’ve got this mole…”

13 miles done now. 2 more to the course finish and another 2 up to Baker Street. Nice to be walking into the setting sun. Got the shades on 😎. Thanks for all the moral support and the #RaceAgainstHunger @TrussellTrust donations 👍…

Not sure I’d have briefed the architects to make the new New Scotland Yard look like a fancy coffee shop, but what do I know?

Oops! Should’ve put this one in the thread…

Reached The Mall and course finish. Time for refreshments before the 2 miles to Baker St but that’s the live tweets done. Glad I’ve done these trial goes to suss out the route - tricky in the Docklands bit today. If you missed the other half, here it is:…

If you can help make a difference by sharing the link or donating to @TrussellTrust #RaceAgainstHunger, thank you!…

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