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she/her | EN•DE•ES•PT |🔞| galaxies & yaoi | ½ of @DeadDoveObikin | co-founder of #shinlan on ao3 | legal counsel for qui-gon jinn, erwin smith and suguru geto

Mar 12, 2022, 15 tweets

Prince William (@KensingtonRoyal) is a blatant racist and thus unfit to rule over a diverse UK and to head the Commonwealth. Here is the evidence. 🧵 #princewilliamisaracist

He threw an honest to God “Out of Africa” birthday party. Yes, lord white folks dressed up like… this. #princewilliamisaracist

He and his wife hang out with and employ racists. #princewilliamisaracist

He - A FATHER OF THREE - has insisted on African people reproducing as to blame for the world’s overpopulation. #princewilliamisaracist

He pulled the “I have a token black friend” trope as soon as the Oprah interview came out. #princewilliamisaracist

He joked about a delivery man bringing food from an Indian restaurant being frisked by security. As if POC drivers aren’t regularly subjected to racial abuse. #princewilliamisaracist

As future king, his concerns with racism are restricted to the world of football, while he was fine letting racism run unchecked within the royal household. #princewilliamisaracist

He tried to exile the first mixed race member of the RF to - you know it - Africa. #princewilliamisaracist

He and his wife had this CHOICE of painting hanging in their home. While the first black American President and First Lady were visiting. #princewilliamisaracist

Despite being educated in some of the most elite institutions in the UK, he still implied that armed conflict isn’t an European thing. #princewilliamisaracist

He sent his right arm man to actually ASSIST the very same publication whose racist coverage nearly drove his mixed race sister in law to suicide. #princewilliamisaracist

He allowed his wife to not only play the “angry black woman” card, but also spread a lie that took literal years to be debunked. #princewilliamisaracist

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