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SC statehouse and politics w/ @postandcourier. Formerly @Newsweek, @WyoFile, @IthacaTimes and more. @Brockport alum. Tips?

Mar 12, 2022, 11 tweets

Good morning from a wet and chilly Florence Regional Airport, where former President Trump is set to hold a rally in support of Katie Arrington and Russell Fry tonight.

This is the vendor area.

Coming in, dozens of people waving Fry for Congress signs along the highway. Talked to a few.

One was thrilled to be here, and was talking about how nice everyone was. Another told me J6 was a hoax, the election was stolen, and predicted a violent civil war.

Dems countering, saying the GOP is siding with Putin over their appearance with Trump today.

Talked to a few vendors. Met one who came all the way from Michigan, named Pete, who began following Trump rallies in 2020 and is again in 2024.

Lots of flags for sale, including the Gadsden flag and the stars and bars.

Hundreds of cars here already, but this one has the most flags I've seen so far.

Some creative bumper stickers too.

"When I die, don't let me vote Democrat," among others.

Mike Lindell has arrived at Katie Arrington's tent.

"I'm endorsing her, as of today," Lindell says after arriving to huge applause and chants of "let's go Brandon!" by Arrington.

And here's Lindell's endorsement of Russell Fry.

Fiery speech by Arrington, where she blames Biden for today's economic state, and fires a preemptive blow at the "fake news" for how they depict Trump followers.

"You're patriots!" she says.

Rep. Logue is here to support Fry, along with Rep. Stewart Jones.

"He is gonna fry some rice, he says to cheers. "Tom Rice really messed up."

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