Maya Forstater Profile picture
Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Mar 12, 2022, 15 tweets

It is interesting: there is a completely different perception of how Forstater v CGD is going at half time, between the people who think GC beliefs are "worthy of respect" and those who don't

The general consensus on the TRA side of the fence is that it is going badly

TRA legal twitter, perhaps more wisely, hasn't had much to say (its only half time after all).

Robin Moira White seems to have deleted this previous tweet

(... since there was nothing in my evidence that suggested I didn't treat colleagues with dignity and respect 🤷‍♀️)

Those following the case and wanting to get an idea of how its going, as the witness evidence carries on: its worth reading the opening submissions which set out the cases on either side.



This is the respondent's case

And this is my case:

Its a legal argument on both sides - does the "offence & disruption" caused by someone expressing GC beliefs mean that an an employer can fire them?

Or does the offence & disruption directed at people with GC beliefs mean they should be protected from unlawful discrimination?

The fact that I brought in a single copy of the FPFW booklet is agreed on both sides and is not the subject of courtroom drama.

The question is, what is the right way for an employer to respond to offence-taking in response to expressions such as those of Fair Play for Women?

If people point at groups with the protected characteristic of holding "gender critical" beliefs and call them a "hate group" must employers treat these accusations as being in good faith?

You are all invited to take part in the open justice of watching the evidence next week

(email for a login)


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