Louis Pereira Profile picture
Building assets on the internet. Currently crafting https://t.co/zCNvzwmdSm

Mar 13, 2022, 14 tweets

For the next 12 hours, I'm building BubbleQuad: A discovery platform for @bubble tools, content, communities, events, and builders.

Will share my progress in this thread.

Let's goooo!


@bubble Why this?

Because I'm bullish on the @bubble ecosystem.

I've seen what Bubble is capable of, and it's changed my life.

Hopefully, this tool helps it change the lives of other folks currently on the sidelines.

✅ Step 1: Buy Domain

Cost: $9.16

Task list for the day.

Unexpected challenge #1.

Turns out @bubble doesn't let me create a site that has the name Bubble in it. Not so bullish anymore, lol.

Anyway, time to change the name!

Bought a new domain.

Added an extra b to the word bubble.

For now, this will do. It will save me the trouble of creating a new logo for the site, and let me continue building in Bubble.

Besides, I can also add a redirect from the original domain to this one.

Fast and steady.

Website landing coming along...

Keeping things super simple for today.

Here's the data structure.

Spent way too much time building a backend data uploader.

Now time to curate stuff and use it.

Monetization strategy:

Source affiliate deals from builders in the bubble ecosystem. Share them with subscribers.

Does anyone want to be the first person to offer a deal on their course or plugin?

@pabloheredia24 @nocodelife @DamianJanzi

Updated copy and positioning.

Aaannndd I'm done!

Bubble Quad: Meet the best of Bubble.



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