PallaviCT (Modi Ka Parivar) Profile picture
I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Mar 13, 2022, 5 tweets

I did research on #KashmirFiles & found that Governor Jagmohan send a letter to Rajiv Gandhi in April 1990

The letter accurately predicted the Kashmir situation about which the author warned, was ‘wholly ignored’ by Rajiv Gandhi lead Congress govt…

As Jagmohanji wrote, before imposing Governor’s rule on Jan 19, 1990, there was a total mental surrender

Even prior to the day (Dec 8, 1989) of Dr. Rubaiya Sayeed’s kidnapping, when the eagle of terrorism swooped on the state with full fury,…

...1600 violent incidents, including 351 bomb blasts had taken place in 11 months

Then between Jan 1 and Jan 19, 1990, there were as many as 319 violent acts - 21 armed attacks, 114 bomb blasts, 112 arsons, & 72 incidents of mob violence


For example,when Shabir Ahmed Shah was arrested in Sep 1989 on IB’s tip-off, Srinagar Dpty Comm refused to sign warrant of detention. Anantnag Dpty Comm did the same

AG didn’t appear before Court to represent state case

Warning bells were ringing for a long time


From 1988 itself Jagmohanji send “Warning Signals” to RajivG about

But RG & the power wielders around him had neither the time,nor the inclination,nor vision,to see these signals.They were so clear,so pointed,that to ignore them was to commit sins of true historical proportions

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