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Fragrances to Set a Whole Mood | Shop our #handcrafted #signature #aromatherapy scents

Mar 13, 2022, 8 tweets

Happy #SelfCareSunday! Today, let’s take a moment to learn a bit about our sense of smell and olfactory memory.

Directly connected to the hippocampus and amygdala in the brain, the olfactory bulb is responsible for many of our earliest formed associations. That is where our scent memories develop and why smells can bring back such strong emotions.

For instance, think about your grandmother’s house. Imagine walking through it right now. What smells do you detect? Is it something sweet baking in the kitchen? A certain piney cleaning product? Her signature perfume?

Depending on your relationship, these scents may make you smile or chuckle or experience a range of positive emotions. You may even tear up if she is gone, even if you lost her very early on. That is because our sense of smell develops very early—before we are born!

Nostrils form in the first trimester, followed by scent receptors by the second trimester. Babies become familiar with their mother's scent from the amniotic fluid in her womb. Associations form with nearly every experience after that!

So be sure to fill your spaces with your signature smells. Make your special occasions even more memorable by pairing them with scents. It will help to deepen the bonds between you and those who matter most. 💕💕

For more information about olfactory memory, check out our Candle Club Blog:…

And get personalize home fragrance recommendations by taking our quick Scent Quiz:

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