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Mar 13, 2022, 10 tweets

1 Q asks questions that would make one think of finding a location but when you look deeper the questions change to something way more nefarious
These questions lead you to DNA and the sequencing of it. Each sequence makes a map and a legend is needed to guide through those maps.

2 Those maps can be used to make a real map of where certain genes originate from.
This is why they tell us they gather gene info for, until now we believed them.

3 When you look farther into things you realize they have not only discovered where a human is from but also their history. They can tell the area you came from to the point of what religion you come from. When you realize this you discover how easy it would be to exterminate

4 a specific line or religion.
If Hitler would have had such knowledge he could have created a virus that only targeted Jews. Or even worse a vaccine that would target them while leaving others healthy.
You would think this is pushing things to far but it gets worse.

5 If they wanted they have the ability to create a virus that could make 99% of the world sick or dead. There are genes that only 1% of humans carry, and they know what they are. Unlike the covid "accident" we sheep are just their experiments. If we do not control where DNA

6 research is going we could all soon be no more.
While they tinker with ways to kill us they also are able to find the next step in the evolution of humanity by finding genes that have mutations that benefit the human race. They could then take those genes and continue the

7 process indefinitely. In the end they could take them and create a super human with untold of abilities. They could create soldiers this way or just a human that can better connect with machines. They also have the ability to add more genes to make something Ultra human.

8 While it sounds amazing to be made Ultra human they could also decide you are best off as a medicine dispenser and create humans that only exist to create new medicines or products.

9 While this sounds futuristic and sci-fi today's technology has advanced more than enough to do what I have mentioned and more.
While America doesn't allow this kind of experimenting who knows what money and corrupt leaders in other countries would allow to happen. This is why

One must always be on guard of what you ingest or have medically put into your body. While some dna/rna will have no effect on you it may completely alter your children in ways no one is even aware of.
Educate yourself about anything that is forced/mandated or our kids could pay.

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