Dr. Martha Gulati ♥️🫀❤️‍🩹🇨🇦 Profile picture
Cardiologist ❤️‍🩹Expert in Women & Heart Disease, Prevention, Author 'Saving Women's Hearts’- Heals 💔 Past President ASPC #earlyinterventionalist @CedarsSinai

Mar 14, 2022, 5 tweets

Our paper in @JACCJournals today:
Childbearing Among Women Cardiologists
The Interface of Experience, Impact, and the Law
with my coauthors @pamelasdouglas @drmalissawood @sarma_amy @DrToniyaSingh @Drroxmehran Dr. Bairey Merz & legal experts Joan Williams,Rachel Korn,Jessica Lee

👉Rate of ⬆️ of #WIC is just 0.3%/year
👉No Federal Mandate for Maternity Leave in🇺🇸
👉Issues related to childbearing affect practicing cardiologists
💃purpose of this study was to examine
the impact of pregnancy & maternity leave &
associated institutional policies/practices WIC

📌323 Respondents: ~35% of #WIC so quite good for a survey
📌Practices: Academic🎓/Hospital🏥/🏠Private
📌37% report extra call/service prior to MatLeave
📌<8% have RVUs prorated for MatLeave
📌41% had salary⬇️ during pregnancy year
📌23%: no paid MatLeave

🚨~37% with pregnancy complications!
This is higher than reported in any surgical specialty or any medical specialty!

@HeartOTXHeartMD @mirvatalasnag @bjcohenmd @JoshuaBeckmanMD @HFnursemaghee @WomenAs1 @SharonneHayes @HeartDocSharon

🚨 Salary 💰⬇️ in 41% of #WIC: particularly highest in private practice but not protected in academic settings or hospital settings

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