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—only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. savvyserendipity on AO3. 30, she/her, nsfw. 🔞

Mar 14, 2022, 25 tweets

✨ Fake It Til You Make It ✨

💟 Rated T
📸 Doing it for the gram
🔑 Let us into the "club"
#⃣ fitymific

A mini textfic for #ReyloSpritWeek
Day 1: Fake Relationship

1. There’s a new restaurant in town, and rumor has it, it’s got a special entry requirement.

2. Never tell Rey that she *can’t* because she’ll find a way that she *can* 😌

3. Rey is plotting her next move, thanks to Rose!

4. Meanwhile in Poeville…

5. A few days later…

Ben sees what Finn is insinuating and he simply… cannot have that. 😤

6. That’s my best friend, right there. Nothing else to see, nope.

And if Ben did a little fist pump after Rey’s response, well, that’s no one’s business but his own.

7. Turns out, their brainstorming went pretty well!

Now to get two more weeks of ✨romantic✨ content for the gram.

What could go wrong?

8. The group is invested, let me tell you. 🔎

9. Yeah, haha, just a joke, haha, nothing else haha!!! - Ben, not having a nervous break down, nope.

10. And so the next couple of weeks go something like this:

A/N: and if you see a familiar reference, no you didn’t 😌

11. Movie night? ✅

12. Seems the ruse is working! As if there were any doubts.

13. After weeks of posting romantic moments, faking it for the gram and their friends, it seems as if all of their hard work has finally come to fruition.

14. Rey calls Ben immediately and can’t contain her genuine shock that they finally did it, they got their reservations. Take that extra extensive relationship review!

15. Somewhere a train is just minding its own business.

But reading all of her friends kind words when she and Ben aren’t even a thing, not really, does something funny to Rey’s heart.

16. When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Or something like that, Rey figures.

17. But it was never a ruse, not to Ben.

18. But instead, he types this, and she says that, and a little piece of his heart broke from just four simple words.

19. A few days later and Rey can no longer stand it. She needs to tell someone about her and Ben’s ploy, and there’s only one person she can trust.

20. Rose Tico has never been one to mince words. Sometimes a bestie has to do what a bestie has to do. And we stan Rose Tico because of it.

21. Rey: 🎶 I’ve got a confession to make 🎶

22. If anything, fancy restaurants are overrated. But you know what isn’t? Being in love with your best friend. ❤️

23. All’s well that ends well. 🥰

The End! 💟📸

I hope you enjoyed this little story as prompted by @bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln for #ReyloSpiritWeek

Thanks to these two greats for setting this week up and motivating everyone to get creative! I can't wait to see what else the Reylo community has in store!

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