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Mar 15, 2022, 6 tweets

1 Is Biden really as lost as we think?
Let's take a look.

tr un alimunum aprzure
T run aluminum aperture.
(Try an)

T rue internat ion al under pressure
(Red internet Lion all under pressure)

Now let's look at that internet Co

2 Red (rue) Lion internet just happens to deal in big business accounts.
On its homepage it boasts oil and gas, ALTERNATIVE POWER, water and few other products Biden has his fingers in. While it is true you won't make millions on internet you might just off its parent Co, Spectus

3 As you can see Spectus kind of appeared out of nowhere and gobbled up everything it could on a pace that is relatively unheard of. After it bought it's Bio company Malvern Instruments Inc, it did the same thing. The growth of Spectus was insane. Very unusual. Now Biden's 10%...

4 fast,huge growth and Malvern changed it's name to Malvern Panalytical and broke away but remained owned by Spectus.
If you spend 2 seconds looking at what they dabble in it should scream NWO loud and clear. Did I mention they deal with mainly the 5 eyes countries? Oh yeah.

5 Now all of this could be a simple coincidence but it is more than possible for someone in his position to pressure businesses like this to move the Green deal forward in America while taking his 10%+ off the top in kickbacks.
So I ask again is Biden a bumbling fool or are we?

6 To take this into the conspiracy realm is this what learn our comms could mean?
What if an all powerful A.I. were out looking for opposition, would it understand words put together in such a way?
I believe project looking glass and those who volunteered 2 ⏳🛩↩ know the truth.

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