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Mar 15, 2022, 17 tweets

1 I will once again show you proof a cataclysmic event is headed our way. It is what nothing can stop from coming. It is our twin binary star, it's flame twin. You have seen flame twin have other meanings but this is the true one. I post this once again because this pic.

2 The pic shows space with the two stars. This is what will turn the moon red, red because it has been super heated. It will also do the same to earth but not the whole planet. The government has known this for about 80 years and has been planning. This is why the DS must fall.

3 Trump was told what was going to happen and was brought in to unite the world. Many world leaders already had a great relationship with him from business dealings so it was easy for him to pass the word and make allies for what is to come.
The earth will slowly start

4 to warm, you have been experiencing this already, the dems call it global warming but they know the truth. The warming will become so intense it will cause fires world wide. Than it will burn everything to ash that is in its path. When it is close enough the earth flips

5 sending miles high tsunamis rushing over most countries completely removing any physical proof they ever existed. Then there is a possibility the earth will flip back but if it does not Antarctica will once again become tropical. Work has been going on none stop and this is

6 why no one has been allowed to go into or fly over without permission.
You have noticed certain people look different, some way different. It is because they have already taken shelter from the radiation we now receive. Some are setting things up and some are cowards hiding.

7 These traitorous bastards would hide underground or in space till the danger passed than re-emerge and become the God's to whatever humans survived on the surface. They would teach them farming and money, they would start the slave debt cycle all over again.

8 Of course they would keep this secret so tight that a blackmail ritual took place and if word got out you and all yours are done for.
They would capture sheep, their cattle, and force their members to eat so when the time came again to survive there would be no questions.

9 Yes they worship the devil and all forms of darkness and this is how they lived with the guilt. It was because their God demanded deaths and they were the chosen.
Well not this time,this time we know it's coming and there is no hiding DS. Now you face the light because WWG1WGA!

10 You have been watching a movie because you needed to be distracted. If you were told at the beginning you would have never believed it to be true, some never will still. They will be the ones who fight against us. They will be the ones who we lose. 4-6% will shatter.

11 Those of us that remain will gather together and become one people. We will live in peace like we have never known. We will not have phones or electronics to distract us because they will no longer work. We will need something to replace what we lost and that is

12 We will share all that we have, everything. Resources will be tight because we will need a massive amount of food, water and supplies to survive through the ice age that will follow. It will be hard but we will do what we must because our children are depending on us.

13 This is for the children, to save them, to save them all. To show them how to live in peace, how to love each other no matter what differences they may have physically. We will leave them what God the Father left us, Eden.
We will leave them with the story of us.

14 What I have shown you here is all verifiable, it is all at your fingertips if you chose to find it.
I believe in God the creator and his plan for man.
I believe he can change nothing or everything for it is his will I follow.
I will be happy to join him and not sad or angry

15 I will greet his loving arms with mine because he has missed me and is glad I am home.
I will also miss my children but I will take comfort knowing they are safe and that I will see them soon
Maybe I will be able to guide them silently through their journey. I have hope for us

16 You will have questions but you will learn this and much more soon enough. Evil will still nip at your heels, for you understand now it is very real.
What you must ask yourself is what else is real?
What can be proven and not just spoken of.
God asked for faith, did aliens?

Did crystals? Did whatever else you may believe in?
Many things were intentionally created to divide us, those things are not real, like much else they are a lie. I will not delve on those but I can 100% guarantee you God exists. You will meet him. So make your choice 4 it is urs

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