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Symmathecist, @honeycombio. Tweets are mine, license CC0. pronouns=she/her “There is always more to discover if you pay more attention.”

Mar 15, 2022, 6 tweets

This afternoon at #srecon, Adam Mckaig and Tahia Khan from @datadoghq about the evolution of their metrics backend

The high-level architecture looks very familiar to me. The slightly more detailed less so — many parts!

For scale, break up incoming data, put into kafka.
hash(customer_id) -> partition_id
… but then one kafka topic gets overloaded, so…
hash(customer_id) -> topic_id, partition_id
to send to topics in different clusters.

Later, some customers are too big.
So for those customers:

hash(metric_id) -> topic, partition

Since metrics are queried individually, @datadoghq can split up data to that fine grain and each query will still only need to hit one partition. #SREcon

Partitions still get unbalanced. Some customers, and some metrics, are way bigger than others.

So @datadoghq got smart with its partitioning, implementing Slicer based on a paper from Google.

The storage layer knows nothing about the partitioning scheme.
Intake and Query need the mapping from (customer, metric) to (cluster, partition) so they can send to & query from the same node.

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