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Mech Engineer, inventor, CFA investment mgr, PhD Marine Biologist, bike fitter, triathlete, lead guitarist: Irredeemables, dad, PANDA ExCo science coord.

Mar 16, 2022, 14 tweets

Today's dystopian social malaise predicted in the 2008 tune "What if Punk Never Happened?" by The King Blues. While punk did happen, it didn't for the millennials, and many of the older former rebels have become the very people they once railed against. Some key passages:

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

excerpt from "What if Punk Never Happened?" by the King Blues (2008):

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