Rohitashw Trivedi Profile picture
Astrologer. Asst Editor - Shri VishwaVijay Panchang. DM or Email for Personal Astrological consultations. Delhi/Himachal

Mar 16, 2022, 5 tweets

These days many perverts have popped up who take advantage of your mental & social health to exploit you in the name of occult, spiritualism, religion, astrology etc.

These con men narrates wrong & distorted idea of spirituality to you.

They exploit you.

How they con?

Show “recently” developed hate for Pakistan, Love for India and parrot two-three bhakti phases 500 times a day.

I mistook one of these as a noble man. That’s why I apologised to you all to have retweeted his work in past. He is a Con Man. Asaram in making..

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