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Mar 16, 2022, 22 tweets

I am over the target fully.
I ask you read all 18 but you can start on 7.
@Tinker_Sparked made it all click for me.
Screen shot and save pls.
I feel a ban coming.
Explanation of Q drop next page.

2 This drop is referring to GMO corn. This corn produces far more than normal corn so the farmer gets much more yield per acre. This poor farmer loved what he did, so did his family and his community. They say he died doing what he loved when really he died BECAUSE OF IT.

3 GMO corn that was being grown there was modified to be far more flavorful than normal and it was a big seller to folks and supermarkets alike. What they didn't know was the corn was slowly killing them. Monsanto was aware but said nothing so 6 o'clock dinner nightly killed him.

4 The GMO corn that was grown by farmer #1 was grown all over the state. This corn is bought by pig farmers as feed. After the pigs ingest the corn if they are slaughtered those same corn GMO's which in truth are DNA modifications go right into your belly. Dinner is 2X as deadly.

5 Companies have sold products that kill so what would make Monsanto be committing a crime like treason and Sedition?
Here's where it gets scary. The corn was said to be modified so it only effected those with a specific DNA profile.
Like Midwest farmers?
Start the clock!

6 Y has many off branches but from the sequencing of it you can tell where it came from geographically and what ethnicity it's carried by
So you can modify it to only target males with blue eyes.Apply this to covid world wide but use no marker.
We would be in stage 5. 5:5 get it?

7 Using methods stated above a virus could be made to be so precise it could target a family or much deeper, multiple generations with the same family name.
Their castle sur name. Their RED CASTLE or GREEN CASTLE sur name. Castle lock is bad!

Now let's take this one step farther

8 Look at this map that tells us the general areas each Y dna marker/sequence comes from.
America is mostly blue and green but the America's have all the colors of the rainbow.
It never hurts to mix colors right?
Biden throws open the borders and now red,darker green and violet

9 are either being flown in or entering in massive carrivans.
Let's also throw in students from Asia, refugees from Syria and Afghanistan along with any other person who feels the U.S. needs to be their new home. With no borders this will continue non stop until elections.

10 We all know Biden did not get 80 million votes. We all know something happened. Protections will be put in place so that can not happen again. While it was an ass kicking in one direction Biden did come close in many places. Close enough that if you let illegals vote he could

11 Possibly come very close, if you had a popular candidate, even closer.
Now I will explain how Republicans will NEVER win again if Q is fake.
Early voting shows which side is most likely to win. Once that is known a virus targeting the Americans takes hold and we lose.

12 Now do that country wide. You would have voters who are still illegal,but able to vote, stuffing democrat boxes. It would be a blow out every time with no way to prove fraud because they pick who makes the rules. Look at the damage Fauci did.
It's worse.

13 With this tech you could hold any country in the world ransom. Do what we say or all your people die.
They could kill an ethnicity, a race or family line, like Trumps or worse the divine gene of God.
This is why Trump said vaccinate. 3% death rate is better than 75-90%.

14 They now have a death grip on the world and no one even knows.

How the deceive us still.

What if each new strain of Covid is just a new dna marker? Is that why someone who is vaxxed can get sick multiple times while an unvaxxed person of a different gene never does? What if

15 You have markers from multiple countries? Your a goner.
But how did this happen?
Blackmail and big dollar transfers.
The DS pay allied countries(behind governments back) to create these Bio weapons than they use MSM to blame their chosen country. Maybe even start a war.

16 We are in round 4, Q said there will be no round 4. We will not comply.
Now the ebola strain of covid is loosened right before voting time.
Now we have Red October and all the other RED nasties that Q brings up. People are dying and blood flows like April showers.

17 Now we must find the viruses. The hunt for Red October...
Turn into the torpedo before it arms.
Putin invades Ukraine where these viruses are being made.
Now the hunters become the hunted and we rig for Red just incase.
The prevention to the viruses are a big Red pill that

18 is hard to swallow.
They see this coming and that is why they are shutting everything down. They know we will suffer for security or convenience. We'll not this time because the great awakening is happening.
We have Patriots world wide standing by to help each other.
Game over

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