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@NBCNews Justice reporter. 📚Author of SEDITION HUNTERS, one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 https://t.co/of2wEZEgyy SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62 🚲

Mar 16, 2022, 8 tweets

DOJ’s sentencing memos are in for this St. Louis trio who stormed the Capitol and posed with Nancy Pelosi’s broken sign.

Feds want:

- 120 days incarceration for William Merry

- 90 days incarceration for Paul Westover

- 45 days incarceration for Emily Hernandez

"Just as a rioter began to pry the Speaker’s office suite sign off its post above a doorway, Merry commented that it was for 'the c**t of the House.’” storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…

"After roaming the halls tauntingly chanting ‘Nancy,' he entered the
Rotunda, where he shouted, 'we own this,' and proceeded to climb a statue of 'a real patriot,' in
his words: Ronald Reagan.”

"Westover has not fully grasped the gravity of his own actions that day.” storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…

So why does Emily Hernandez end up with the shortest sentencing recommendation? Well, she voluntarily surrendered and cooperated, and DOJ factored in her age and "the role of her uncle, a trusted authority figure in her life, in inducing her to commit crimes.”

"It should also be noted, however, that while on pretrial release in this matter and shortly before her change of plea hearing, Hernandez was involved in a car accident that resulted in a fatality.” storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…

"When asked to display her loot—i.e., the shard of Speaker Pelosi’s sign—Hernandez giggled as she withdrew it from her coat and posed for pictures with it. She ultimately took the shard and two other signs she stole from the Capitol back to St. Louis, Missouri.”

Paul Westover, William Merry, and Emily Hernandez want to bump back their sentencing a couple of weeks, until April 11.

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