COVIDScienceOntario Profile picture
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Mar 17, 2022, 10 tweets

1/10 New @COVIDSciOntario modelling released today. Key findings: We‘ll likely see a bump in hospitalization as public health measures cease – probably less than in January if we change behaviours slowly. #COVID19ON…

2/10 Slides 3 & 4: Wastewater signal isn’t dropping anymore. Ontario is probably seeing 15,000 to 20,000 new infections every day. #COVID19ON

3/10 Slides 5 & 6: Test positivity has also stopped dropping and in some populations is growing a bit. #COVID19ON

4/10 Slide 7: Poor neighbourhoods are still hardest hit, as they have been since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. #COVID19ON

5/10 Slide 8: Ontarians have already started moving around more – a sign of more contacts. #COVID19ON

6/10 Slides 9 & 10: Nonetheless, we’re likely to see less of an increase in hospitalizations than in January. We can keep it low by getting vaccinated, wearing good masks when inside, and increasing contacts only moderately. #COVID19ON

7/10 Slides 11, 12 & 13: Third doses (not to mention first & second) are as critical as they have ever been. But they’ve plateaued – and are especially low among poorer Ontarians. #COVID19ON

8/10 Slide 14, 15: Immunity is Ontario’s best protection against a future variant. And masks are still key to reducing spread. #COVID19ON

9/10 Slide 16: We can’t forget what we learned during the emergency, & we need to maintain the tools we’ve built. #COVID19ON

10/10 Slide 17: The global pandemic isn’t over & Ontario remains vulnerable. #COVID19ON…

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