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She/her. 37. The slowest writer you know. Purveyor of fine mutual pining since 2021. silmarilliant on tumblr for now 🔞🦋

Mar 17, 2022, 9 tweets

Stimulus, Integration, and Response

A brief surprise pregnancy a/b/o text fic for #ReyloSpiritWeek

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

Cute moodboard by my soulmate @RenTinFinn

A very normal day of neurosurgery for Ben (if there is such a thing as a normal day of neurosurgery) takes a concerning turn when he notices missed texts in the middle of an afternoon case meeting with his team.

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

Four days later a certain Dr. Solo emerges from a blissful fog to finally, groggily check his email.

Well, thank the stars that worked out.

(He’d happily write a check for that parking arm anyway.)

cw: a/b/o, pregnancy, NSFW ish

The End! ✨❤️

Thanks to @RenTinFinn as always 😘 and thanks to @bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln for putting spirit week together!!

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