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I should probably be writing. 🔞// NSFW content, 18+ only. Header credit to @moem_3

Mar 17, 2022, 24 tweets

Coming tomorrow:
Accidentally (On Purpose)

A short textfic for #ReyloSpiritWeek

Featuring soulmate marks and best friend’s older brother 👀😏

💛Rated T-ish (I think idk if it’s not E I am at a loss)
💛Soulmate Marks
💛BFFs older brother
💛mute #accidentallyfic if you don’t wanna see!

1. Rey spent the night at Kaydel’s to help set up for her best friend’s party.

It was fine. Everything was fine.

Until it wasn’t.

2. Finn is always the voice of reason.

Correction: Finn is *usually* the voice of reason.

3. Finn texts Poe when he’s on his way.

Does some digging.

Gets his soulmate’s gears whirring at maximum speed (unfortunately for Rey)

4. Poe nudges Finn. “Looks like Ben just went inside.”

“We gotta get Rey to stay for just a tiny bit longer, yeah?”

Poe grinned, absolutely diabolically. “Hell yeah.”

And honestly, maybe Poe was onto something here.

5. *gasp* oh no he’s not


6. *gasp* oh no oh gods what the fuck

7. Welp 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

8. People are disappearing left and right at this graduation party and Kaydel is NOT pleased

(But you know what I’m thinking?)


9. “Feet are fast, but cars are faster” - Ben Solo, circa 2022

10. Well, she’s not running. That’s a plus, right?

11. Meanwhile, back at casa de Organa, possibilities are flying left and right in the group chat.

(Well, only one possibility)

12. Poe is doubling down.

He’s gonna give Kaydel a live demonstration with a banana next.

13. Taking a chance to clear the air, Kaydel texts her brother again.

She’s not really a fan of the response.

14. Back to our regularly scheduled reylo 🤧

15. Whatever they’re cute as fuck and it’s gross

16. Rey, chanting: “rip the bandaid off rip the bandaid off rip the bandaid off”

Ben: “do you just want me to do it”

17. Ok but 🥺🥺

18. Who knew Kaydel had it in her?

(Ben knew tbh. He smiles all knowingly when he reads the exchange over Rey’s shoulder and she just wants to kiss his smug face)

(So she does. And he tastes like chocolate milkshakes and mint gum and her future, all at once)

19. Kay’s gonna give them shit for the rest of their lives and it’s gonna be so, so worth it.

20. Ben and Rey make the distance work over the remaining few months of summer, but that’s about as long as they can manage.

Luckily, they don’t have to manage anymore 💛

21. Rey IS settling in at home, but Ben is so upset with himself for having to leave.

Though, honestly, he couldn’t have asked for a more understanding, lovely, incredible, beautiful soulmate 💛💙

He can’t wait to tell her so every day, forever.

22. And that, my friends, is the end of #accidentallyfic

They, of course, lived happily ever after 💙💛💙💛

And Kaydel made sure to send them a 🤢 emoji at least once a week.

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