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Opponent of Quiet Desperation. Contains Multitudes. In Search Of Meanness Or Sublimity. Former Nigeria-With-Snow Correspondent. (@mikeeckel.bsky.social) @RFERL

Mar 18, 2022, 8 tweets

a Russian pro-government rally in Izhevsk today. Lots of Russian flags, and lots of "Z's" (За мир. За Россию. За Президент). source: t.me/sotavision

meantime at Moscow's Luzhniki stadium, there is a sizable crowd gathered for a pro-government rally. Some Russian and foreign media say public-sector employees were forced to attend

the rallies -- in Moscow, Izhevsk, and other cities-- are to mark the 8th anniversary of Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula. The annexation was hugely popular in Russia.

meantime, @AvtozakLIVE dug up a social media post advertising today's rally at Luzhniki. The post offers people 500 rubles to attend (plus hot food).

Putin's introduction and entrance -- to the roaring crowd -- is 🧐

"We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, are united by a common destiny for our land."

"We see how heroically our guys are acting, and fighting, in the course of this operation." (the Kremlin has prohibited Russians from using the word 'war' or 'invasion' to describe Russia's invasion of Ukraine)

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