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Mar 18, 2022, 11 tweets

⬕ 9 JavaScript Function

❒ Every JavaScript developer should know

A Thread 🧵↓

➊ function statement

⇥ when we create a new function with FUNCTION keyword, we all it function statement.

⇥ example:

➋ function expression

⇥ creating and assigning a function to a variable is known as function expression.

⇥ example:

➌ function declaration

⇥ creating a new function is known as function declaration. we can declare a function in both way, function expression


➍ function invocation

⇥ A defined function can be invoked with () at the end of function name. in the below code snippet, at line no.5, we're invoking/calling printUserName function.

⇥ example:

➎ Anonymous function

⇥ A javascript function without name is called as anonymous function. we can use these function where we using function as value or callback.

⇥ example:

➏ named function expression

➐ first class function

⇥ the ability of function
*to be used as values,
*can be passed as an argument to another function and
*can be returned from function

➑ arrow function

⇥ also known as fat arrow function
⇥ syntax:
⇥ doesn't have its own context
⇥ this inside arrow function will refer to parent's context

➒ function parameters and arguments

⬕ parameters:

⇥ when we all the function with some values, then those values is known as parameter of the function.

⬕ arguments:

⇥ passed parameters to a function is are argument for the function.

That's all for now.

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