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Mar 18, 2022, 9 tweets

🚨 EXCLUSIVE: @KDenkWrites spoke to the “grassroots” Orthodox Conservative Group. Posing as the ‘sensible choice for ordinary people’ @allthecitizens & @VICEWorldNews reveal their true aims & links to the far right.…

Claiming no religious affiliation, 90% of OCG are Catholic and take an anti-gay marriage, anti-trans rights & pro-life stance.

Formed from the ashes of Turning Point UK, OCG’s advisory board includes Bow Group Chairman Ben Harris-Quinney & Sir John Hayes of the Common Sense Group.

OCG Head of Operations is the Comms manager for Common Sense Group supporter and ex-Conservative Friend of Russia MP Andrew Rosindell.

OCG & Bow Group members run/have run a number of companies from 71-75 Shelton St (Bow Group’s address). Other members are connected to 55 Tufton Street via the Taxpayer’s Alliance.

OCG’s manifesto was written with help from ADF Legal - a homophobic US legal group - and members of the Bow Group.

Harris-Quinney recently appeared on the Hearts of Oak channel. Hearts is run by Peter McIlvenna, ex-director of the Arron Banks - funded Patriotic Alliance group. Tommy Robinson is a Hearts contributor.

OCG and Bow Group members are friends with Paul Joseph Watson and Andy Ngo, both of whom have joined them at parties and the exclusive Reform Club..

Far Right expert Julia Ebner told us they are “trying to push the Overton window further to the Right” and have the connections/influence to potentially end up in positions of power.

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