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Dēvānāṃvijahita - The Forsaken of the Gods | प्रतिगामी महाराष्ट्र enthusiast | Brahminical Patriarchy enjoyer

Mar 18, 2022, 17 tweets

In my last thread I talked about Ambedkar,Mahar & Matki. In this we shall see the history of Mahar community in Maharashtra.
In picture : Sant Chokamela whose abhang 'Abir Gulal Udhlit Rang' is very famous abhang in Maharashtra.
Sources provided are true to my knowledge
शिव शिव

Mahars were a community that helped Patil (head of the village) as guards of the village. The lands given to them were tax free. Plus they were also given a share in grain from the farmers of the village as token for their service.

The patil or mokadam was usually a Maratha. But, any person regardless of caste would go on to become a patil. The Supe Pargana (group of villages) was divided between Maratha,Brahmin & Dhangar. The Patil of Nangewadi village of Wai was a Mahar.

These were the 12 balutedars. The pillars of villages in Maharashtra on which the system worked smoothly. Each of the person had to perform their occupation specific duties. Entering others occupation in a village was seen as transgression & hijacking ones mode of living.

It was general consensus among the villagers that for the smooth sailing of the society each person had to perform their duties. Here you may clearly see inam land (the land where tax is not levied) was also gifted by the govt to the Mahars for their services or heroics.

Like I mentioned in last thread Ambedkar had claimed Mahars were treated inhumanely but in various papers of daftar such things are not found. Here you can see बाळाजी बाजीराव (Nanasaheb) रोजनिशी भाग १- गणेश चिमणाजी वाड) mahars getting exempted from all type of tax on their demand

Here you can see strict orders to Badves that not to interfere with rights of Mahars and takeaway the privilege of digging up for game called 'राडीचा खेळ' & the honour of 1st puja during Holi in Pandharpur.
(1778-79 AD)

Mahars & Mangs had their own separate colonies. As both acted like guards they were stationed outside of the main village.Mangs were also involved in making ropes & brooms. Chamars also lived in separate colonies as they dealt with animal flesh for leather

Above you may see 251 rs & free timber given to build houses of Mahars,Mangs & Chamar colonies from the Huzrat (govt) .
(1789-90 AD)

Letter by Huzrat for making arrangement for drinking water (पाणपोई) to each and every devotee be it a Brahman or Sudra who comes into Diveghat (Pune) for the darshan of Vithoba (Vitthal).

Recently made 60ft murti of Vitthal in Diveghat Pune.

Mali (gardener) by jaati. Jyoti Phule's uncle Ranoji getting 45 acre land as inaam (gift) near Swargate for his excellent skill in making floral dresses for Shrimant (Peshwa).
Source : सत्यशोडक कां क्रिस्टीसेवक written by G M Nalavade with preface by Phule's grandson Vishwanath.

Nanasaheb Peshwa's last note to Raghunathrao 'Hindus & Muslims of Maharashtra should not have hate towards any jaatis. Whatever be the dharma and daivat of any jati, the state should treat it's subjects equally'

Source for first 4 tweets : Shivaji His Life & times by Gajanan Bhakar Mehendale.
Rest other sources are given below the images.
Note : I'm not saying any discrimination did not happen. Where there is a society there is a hierarchy.Where there is hierarchy there is discrimination

Be it successfull societies or businesses both work on hierarchy, but blowing up things out of proportion and creating tooth stories as historical events is what Ambedkar (in the case of Mahar,Matki) & Phule did in his writings.

In my next thread I shall talk about the writings & gimmicks of missionary influenced Phule. The धर्मद्रोही & कुलद्रोही no I do not call him that his grandson Vishvanath Mahadev Phule does.
नारायण नारायण.

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