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she/her | writer, photoshopper, thirst connoisseur ✨ pfp by @lilibethsonar

Mar 19, 2022, 28 tweets


a short textfic for #ReyloSpiritWeek
(saturday: stranded/snowed in)

rival teammates ben & rey get stuck in the office during a blizzard. thankfully, they both have projects to focus on and can stay far away from each other. right?

What’s a little friendly(?) competition between coworkers?

Meanwhile, Rey's phone keeps buzzing.

Was that a sasquatch walking into the bathroom?


This is fine.

This is FINE.

A little while later:

And about twenty minutes after that:

Okay, yes, he's good at functions.

And yes, it's saved her an exorbitant amount of time.

Big whoop.

10 p.m. rolls around...

...and things start to get weird.

Look, if *anything* is worth a ceasefire, it's homemade lasagna.



That is absolutely preposterous.

And yet:


With her laptop stowed away and her desk cleaned up, Rey walks out into the lobby.

She's not expecting Ben to wait for her.

She's *not*.

But when he makes a mad dash out the side door without a single word, it does sting a little.

A few hours later, her phone buzzes.

*insert italicized "Oh." here*

Well then. 🥺

Always gotta update the group chat.

Flash forward, one year later:

Rey's heart⁠—and stomach⁠—have never been happier.



thank you to @vtradescant2 for looking this over and for always (ALWAYS) listening to me ramble

and to @bb_kate_ & @feralsandgremln for hosting #ReyloSpiritWeek!

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