Khaled Alshareef Profile picture

Mar 20, 2022, 6 tweets

What do you know about Saudi Arabia?
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Cos play culture is a growing trend among young Saudis

The 3rd Saudi State was founded on (January 15, 1902), by King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, who managed to restore the city of Riyadh to establish the modern and contemporary Saudi state (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

Saudi people are fond of coffee, there is 3,225 coffee shops across Saudi Arabia, Coffee consumption per capita reached 1.77 kg in 2019 in Saudi Arabia according to Faostat.

It is common for adults in Saudi Arabia especially senior citizens to carry around praying beads (مسبحة), the prayer beads vary from one's made from common materials to expensive ones.

The population of Saudi Arabia is overwhelmingly young. Only 5% of the population is over 60 compared to 47% that is under 24 with such a contrast to more ageing populations this bodes well for the modernization of Saudi Arabia.

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