Olanrewaju Oyinbooke Profile picture
Snr Cloud Advocate 🥑 @Microsoft | Speaker | Tech & Data Influencer | Views are Mine | @LowCodeTechies | #DataFestAfrica23 | https://t.co/SG4BAPoJw5

Mar 20, 2022, 7 tweets

Yet another learning opportunity. This is huge and you shouldn't miss it.
ALX partnering with Udacity and The room for NanoDegree programme with 12,000 job placement
Details in this thread 🧵🧵🧵

The programme will feature 2 categories
1. NanoDegree Programs: For African youth with a background in Data, Cloud, or Programming
2. Foundational Programs: For African youth with prior experience in Data, Cloud, or Programming

Application Process. 4 Easy Steps
Step 1: Explore all the scholarships programs available.

Link here alx-t.com

Step 2: Chose your own Specialisation
Link alx-t.com

Step 3: Check Your Program. Read all the programme information such as expected outcomes, prerequisite, duration, etc..

Link: alx-t.com

Step 4: Apply on Udacity

Link alx-t.com

More details
You can always check more with this link

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