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Mar 22, 2022, 9 tweets

The Ashes, older than the Modern Olympics, continues to stay relevant in 2022, its 140th decade.

The number of books written on Ashes is likely to fill an empty MCG (maybe not, but no one is likely to check).

And yet, there is, to my knowledge, nothing like this one.

Yes, I do know @senantix personally, and am a fan of @Mahasatish1's artwork.

But that has nothing to do with my assessment.

I call this book unique because the history of the Ashes has never, ever been drawn like this.

Key moments and characters and some of my favourite panels.

Consider this, for Warwick Armstrong's team.

Ah, 1975.

One of my favourite panels.
- the artwork
- "Swift"
- the Mailey reference

Don't worry, it runs up to 2021/22.

A reference that merits the #IfYouKnowYouKnow hashtag.

And then, there are quotes (sorry, could not resist showing off).

*14th decade obviously

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