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Mar 22, 2022, 5 tweets

Senator @MannyPacquiao is the next presidential candidate to be interviewed by @mariaressa for @rapplerdotcom ‘s #WeDecide: The First 100 Days series #PHVote #PHVotePacquiao | via @margavsmachine

@MannyPacquiao @mariaressa @margavsmachine LOOK: More pictures of Senator Manny Pacquiao in the Rappler newsroom. Catch Rappler’s #PHVote presidential interviews with @mariaressa soon on rappler.com. #WeDecide #PHVotePacquiao | via @bnzmagsambol

@MannyPacquiao @mariaressa @margavsmachine @bnzmagsambol LOOK: Presidential bet Senator Manny Pacquiao sits down with Nobel laureate Maria Ressa for an interview.

Watch out for this must-see one-on-one! #PHVote #WeDecide #PHVotePacquiao | via @reyaika

@MannyPacquiao @mariaressa @margavsmachine @bnzmagsambol @reyaika @jairaroxas_ LOOK: Here's another photo of @MannyPacquiao and @mariaressa at the Rappler HQ for our presidential interviews. #PHVote #WeDecide #PHVotePacquiao | via @reyaika

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